Transferring and Applying Private/Out-of-State


私立学校和州外学校是转学生的好选择. An average 每年有160名查伯特学生转学到私立或州外学校.

Planning for Transfer to POST


  • 与大学联系,了解他们的课程和转学入学要求. Ways to connect include:
  • 了解该机构的转学项目和入学要求. This can include:
    • Minimum units that define a student as a transfer applicant
    • Major preparation for your intended university major. This is best found on the university catalog or department webpages.
    • Admitted transfer student profiles on admitted gpa, units, etc..
    • College Transitions has data on transfer admit rates by institution.
    • Rugg’s Recommendations - Unlike university rankings that are reported out by the U.S. News & World Report, 鲁格的建议提出了它的排名项目和机构基于 the undergraduate major. This is great for students who want to explore and find transfer 在美国某一特定专业和学术项目上实力雄厚的学校 States. Please reach out to Transfer Center Counselor Frances Fon at with your areas of interest for this resource.
  • 与大学或你的Chabot学院辅导员合作发展教育 plan that reflects your transfer goals.
    • 不像科罗拉多州立大学和加州大学,在ASSIST有衔接协议,私人/州外 (POST)机构没有这样发展的衔接协议储存库 an education plan may require more research. 
    • 和你的辅导员一起为少校解释发音协议,将军 education or breadth or core. As a start, visit Transfer Articulation 韦德1946衔接协议的列表,但你可以谷歌并按机构搜索.
  • 了解大学的费用是如何筹集的,哪里有机会 financial aid.


Applying to POST

大多数州外的公立大学都应该有类似的申请 科罗拉多州立大学或加州大学,多个校区使用相同的应用平台和学生 would not have to re-enter the same information over and over again. 

Private institutions may have different applications. A tip is to research the application options for your intended private institution. Some institutions have their own application because it is shorter and free! Others may choose to be a member of The Common Application where it may not be free, but, The Common Application and The Common Application for Transfer is a universal application a student can complete to apply to multiple private colleges and universities across the United States. Instead of filling out 为每一所私立大学单独申请,你可以复制你的通用申请 and prepare it for another private institution. View and search a list of colleges that participate in The Common Application.

The Common Black College Application 与通用申请类似,它允许学生申请多个专业 HBCU使用一个应用程序,而不是为每个HBCU使用单独的应用程序. If you 如果你正在考虑转学到HBCU,请确保你的HBCU是否是学校的一部分 California Community College Transfer Guarantee to HBCU 和你的辅导员一起确保保证并申请最多四个合伙人 CCC-HBCUs for free.

想要了解申请费用,可以考虑询问私立学校 directly. If they are not able, ask if they will accept a NACAC Application Fee Waiver. (Please review NACAC Application Fee Waiver FAQ for the process.)

申请私立大学的部分内容因院校而异 因此,学生研究每所大学的转学申请是非常重要的 application requirements. In particular, it is the writing prompts that appear to vary the most. Remember to give yourself plenty of time to gather information and 提出必要的要求,向大学提交你最好的和完整的申请.

Private/Out-of-State Transfer Events


Notes for The Common Application for Transfers

  • Chabot College CEEB Code: 004725.
  • Recommenders: 当需要作为申请的一部分时,强烈建议学生确保安全 在你发送邀请之前,这个人的支持是你的推荐人 the recommendation within The Common Application for Transfers. More information and tips may be found at Understanding the Recommendation Process.
  • College Report:
    • Complete the Enrollment Verification form .Under the section "TYPE OF INFORMATION TO BE VERIFIED (check one)", select Complete the attached inquiry form. 
    • 如果你申请多所学校,你需要提交一份入学证明 form and College Report for each institution.
    • Email with the completed Enrollment Verification form and College Report. Chabot College 招生和记录部将把学院报告邮寄到大学邮寄处 address you provide on the Enrollment Verification Form.
  • Verify Before Completing Forms: 并不是所有的机构都要求所有的补充表格可供下载 on the Common Application. And some institutions may require additional supplemental forms or documents. Please review the Common Application for Transfers Program Materials 部分,你的学院或大学网站彻底了解这些信息. 

Application Resources and Support with The Common Application

A Perspective from an Alumna

一位转到州外私立学校的夏伯特学生的视角 (Northwestern University, Fall 2016)

Start early. 不像UC或CSU的转学申请,这是一个单一的在线申请,通用 申请有许多组成部分,不能仅由申请人完成. 提交几封推荐信,大学报告,转学 期中报告,高中成绩单,大学成绩单,SAT/ACT考试 成绩与在线通用申请一起成功,你需要配合 从夏伯特学院的工作人员和教授,你的高中老师,父母或 test administrators, who are not under your control.... One thing I recommend you 为了组织这一申请过程,要做的是制作一份附有截止日期的清单. 

Expand your options by applying to several universities. 即使你有自己的梦想学校,我也不建议你只申请一所 that one school....Once you are accepted to a couple or more schools, you will have 有足够的时间来深思熟虑地决定你要上哪所大学 comparing pros and cons of those schools you get in.  

找出你所申请的大学的入学费用 the amount of financial aids the university offers to its students. 我相信进入一所学校并不能保证你的大学生活满意. 你的经济困难绝对不应该阻止你得到特别的东西 education you deserve. However, knowing the estimate cost of attendance of university 你所申请的保险实际上会让你有一个更好的计划来支付你的 college education. Many students do not realize that private institutions also offer 大量的经济援助和奖学金,所以不要被他们吓倒 high cost of attendance.  


Questions? Contact Transfer Counselor/Instructor Ms. Frances Fon at